
What is IBH?

IBH is a way to decrease compressor efficiency and reduce mass flow through the compressor. Inlet bleed heat(IBH) takes compressor discharge air and routes it back to the inlet of the compressor. By taking compressor discharge air away from the combustion wrapper you reduce mass available to the combustor. Also introducing this very hot air into the turbine inlet raises the temperature of the air and decreases the efficiency of the compressor since warm dry air has less mass than cold damp air. All of this is typically done to reduce mass flow through the compressor at low load conditions to help control emissions. It also helps to decrease the formation of ice in cold climate areas, and lastly helps to provide compressor protection at low loads, again by reducing the efficiency of the compressor. Inlet bleed heat demand is typically a logrithmic function of IGV angle, although you would be advised to review application code for the particular unit you are familiar with. This descrip

What is heat rate?

Amount of heat energy needed to produce one unit of electrical energy.

STG Protections?

 Differential  Negative Phase sequence voltage fault  Negative Phase sequence current fault  Over current  frequency fault  field fault  Reverse Power  Stator Earth fault Your comments will be highly appreciated

Power factor & Reactive power?

The relationship is determined by the "power factor". This is normally supplied by the generator OEM. It's considering losses of actual power generator and power supplied.  There must also be kept in mind the grid also has losses so depending on how your power output is measured there may be more correction factors to take into consideration.  For more in-deep, for example see Wikipedia and search on "power factor. I hope this will help you.  Reactive power supplied by a generator is dependent on the requirement of the grid to which it is connected. it is absolutely proportional to the terminal voltage of the machine concerned. Otherwise it does not have any relationship with the active power generated of the concerned unit and hence no proportionality can be arrived.  With the reactive power the generator participates into maintaining grid voltage; With the active power generator participates into maintaining grid frequency. Total generator load is composed

What is the purpose of IGV in Gas Turbine?

IGV (inlet guide vane) used to modulate the inlet air flow to compressor suction according to turbine output to maintain the exhaust temperature within the range. Must be add your comments...

What is Bleed Valve in Gas Turbine & it's purpose?

Bleed valves are provided for gas turbine axial compressor safety from surge and stall conditions. Bleed valve when generator circuit breaker open and close with the closing of generator circuit breaker. Must be add your comments...

What is Buchholz Relay in transformer?

It is a mechanical arrangement mounted on the interconnecting pipe of main oil tank and resvoire of transformer which operate at high flow of vpour through it At low vapour flow it produce slow gas alarm and t high flow fast gas alarm Must be add your comments...